Scripture Reading:
1 Peter 2:21-23 (KJV)

“For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.”


Brothers and sisters in Yahushua, today we are called to reflect deeply on the example set before us by our Savior, Yahushua. The journey of faith is not merely about doctrines or beliefs; it is about living out the life that Yahushua exemplified through His actions, words, and spirit. In the passage we just read from 1 Peter 2, we see that Yahushua suffered, yet His suffering was purposeful and filled with grace. The apostle Peter calls us to follow His steps — a powerful invitation to live like our Messiah. Let us reflect on what it means to follow Yahushua’s example, not only in times of joy but especially in times of trial and suffering.

1. Yahushua’s Example of Humility

The first trait we observe in Yahushua’s life is humility. Though He was the Son of the Almighty, He did not seek after His own glory. In Philippians 2:6-8, Paul writes that Yahushua, though in the form of God, “made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant.” He was born in a humble manger, not in a palace. He walked with sinners and outcasts, not distancing Himself from those who needed Him the most.

When we follow Yahushua’s example, we are called to embrace humility in every aspect of our lives. We are called to serve others, to place their needs above our own, and to remember that true greatness comes not from lording over others but from humbly serving. In a world that often praises self-promotion and arrogance, let us be a people who lift others up and shine with the humility of Yahushua.

2. Yahushua’s Example of Love and Forgiveness

One of the most profound aspects of Yahushua’s life was His love. He did not love only those who loved Him back but extended His love to His enemies, to the marginalized, and to those who rejected Him. In Matthew 5:44, Yahushua teaches us, “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

When He was nailed to the cross, Yahushua’s words were not filled with condemnation but with mercy. He prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). This love was not based on the worthiness of the people, but on the nature of Yahushua’s heart. If we are to follow Yahushua’s example, we must love without conditions, forgive without limits, and extend grace even when it is hardest to do so.

3. Yahushua’s Example of Sacrificial Living

The greatest example Yahushua gave us was through His sacrifice. He did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Yahushua’s life was marked by the willingness to lay down His comforts, His position, and ultimately His life for the sake of others. He knew that true life is found in giving, not receiving.

For those who follow Yahushua, the call is clear: we must live sacrificially. This does not only mean being willing to give up our material possessions or comforts but also to lay down our personal desires for the sake of God’s kingdom and the good of others. Following Yahushua means living a life that is not centered around “me” but around Him and His mission.

4. Yahushua’s Example of Obedience to the Father

Yahushua’s life was a life of obedience to the Father’s will. In the Garden of Gethsemane, facing the greatest test of His life, Yahushua prayed, “Not My will, but Thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). Even though He knew the suffering that awaited Him, He chose to submit to the will of the Father. His obedience was the foundation of His mission, and it led to the redemption of the world.

As followers of Yahushua, we are called to obedience as well. It is easy to follow when the path is smooth, but Yahushua shows us that true obedience is found in surrender, even when the road is difficult. We must ask ourselves: Are we willing to obey Yahushua’s commands, even when it costs us something? Will we say “not my will, but Yours, Father” in every circumstance?

5. Yahushua’s Example of Faithfulness to His Mission

Finally, Yahushua remained faithful to His mission, even when the world around Him rejected and rejected Him. He did not waver in His calling, even though He was tempted, challenged, and opposed. He remained committed to the Father’s purpose, understanding that His mission was greater than any temporary difficulty.

When we follow Yahushua, we are called to faithfulness in our own mission as well. Each of us has a purpose, a calling from God, and it may not always be easy. However, just as Yahushua was faithful to the end, we are called to persevere, to remain steadfast, and to continue walking in the path He set for us, trusting that our labor is never in vain.


Brothers and sisters, Yahushua’s example is a standard for us to live by. He calls us not to simply admire Him from afar but to follow His steps — to walk as He walked, to love as He loved, to serve as He served, and to suffer as He suffered. The world will know we are His disciples not by our words, but by the way we follow His example in every aspect of our lives.

As we move forward, let us commit to living out His example of humility, love, sacrifice, obedience, and faithfulness. May Yahushua’s life inspire us to be the hands and feet of His love in a broken world, so that others might see His light shining in and through us.

Let us pray:

Father in heaven, thank You for the precious example of Yahushua. Help us to follow His steps in all we do, to love without limits, to serve humbly, to obey Your will, and to remain faithful to the mission You’ve given us. Strengthen us by Your Spirit as we walk this journey of faith, and may our lives reflect the life of our Savior. In Yahushua’s name, we pray, Amen.

May you be blessed as you follow the example of Yahushua, and may His life be a guide and inspiration in every step you take.



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