Hear and understand that the time is now to choose Me. Man believes that he is in control of his own destiny thereby making himself a god. I am the creator of all things and in Me all things exist and have their being, without me there is nothing.
Seek Me while I may be found for a time is coming when I will not be found by men and only My people will hear My voice and obey. Walk not in your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge me and I will guide your path.
Great is the wisdom of the LORD and His understanding spans the course of time, you will do well to heed My words and obey My commands. Every created thing that disobeyed my commands has cast itself into My judgement. It is a terrible and fearful thing to fall under My judgement so choose life and not death.
Follow My Son and obey Him for He is the way that leads to Me and eternal life. I sent Him not only to remove the penalty of sin which is death but to also lead you into the path of righteousness. Only the righteous will be saved so don’t deceive yourself by thinking there is another way or many ways to Me.
Guard your hearts and minds for deception is in the world to root out non-believers and separate the wheat from the tares. Which are you? You must decide which God you serve, is it Me or the god you have chosen for yourself. Research the scriptures for they are testimonies to you of people that made the wrong choice and the right choice. The test of the garden is still in play today so choose Me and live or not.
Woe to those who forsake Me for lust, pleasures of sin and a false sense of security for the path you choose will determine your fate. I am the good Shepard, and My sheep know my voice. Do you hear Me speaking to you now? Listen to my words and obey. Repent of your sins, receive My Son and follow His teaching for He is the way that leads to Me.
I choose the method of how man comes to me not the world. Heed not the worlds teachings for it is the broad way that leads to destruction. My way is narrow and only a few find it, be one of the few. Angels and powers that did not keep their place but disobeyed My commands stand in My eternal judgment for the lake of fire was created for them but if you choose to follow their path it will be your fate as well.
Remember that I am a loving God long-suffering not wishing that any should perish but your destiny is in your hands. I have laid out the path you must walk, seek Me and you will find Me, knock and the door will be open, but you must believe I exist, and I am a reward to those that do.
Watch and prepare yourself for My return don’t sleep as the world sleeps but be mindful of the times as I told you beforehand of these times. Wash yourself and be clean for no unclean thing shall enter My Kingdom.
I am a King and the ruler of My government, to be partakers of the divine you must prepare yourself now for My return. I come quickly and there will be rejoicing and weeping. Remember my teachings they can be found in Matthew chapter 5, 6 and 7, keep My commandments and honor the Sabbath day.
The day of rest has been determined by Me and not by man for it is a fore shadow of the eternal rest in Me for those who believe. Do your best to enter that eternal rest and practice on earth by keeping My Sabbaths. In the Sabbath there is rest and understanding of my word as the Spirit teaches you all things.
Only those that truly love Me will obey Me and they will be loved by My Father and Me and to them belongs the Kingdom. You must decide and make your election clear. There will be no false worship in My Kingdom. The time to decide is now for great are my rewards for those who believe.