“May Yahuah bless you and keep you;
Yahuah make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
Yahuah lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”
Thank you for visiting our web site and may the grace and peace of Yahuah rest upon you!
Here at walkinobedience.org we focus on the Hebrew names of our God and savior (Yahuah) “The LORD” and our King and Messiah (Yahushua) Jesus. Our Father’s name has been replaced by the word “LORD” in the holy scriptures translations over 7 thousand times. The 3rd commandment instructs us not to take Yahuah’s name in vain, (bring it to nothing or no meaning).
In obedience to Yahuah’s commandments we choose to use our understanding of the pronunciation of Their names. Our King’s name has been translated from Greek to English as Jesus. However, the English translation of his name is “Joshua” and in Hebrew it’s Yahushua (Remember He came in His Father’s name), so we honor their names and proclaim them to the world!
We invite you to spend some time on the site, read the articles, and utilize the bible study resources link to strengthen your walk and the people in your sphere of influence. Please feel free to comment and reach out to us by email as we are walking the walk of love and obedience to the Messiah together.
Our Commitment
At walkingobedience.org our hearts and life is dedicated to Yahuah (the Creator of all things) is a commitment to walk in obedience to His laws, commandments, and instructions. These divine laws, given to us through the Scriptures, serve as a guide to living in harmony with Yahuah’s will and purpose. The foundation of this walk begins with understanding that Yahuah is not just a distant deity but a loving Father who desires a personal relationship with each of us, His creation.
Our Expression of Trust
Walking in obedience to Yahuah’s laws is not a mere act of rule-following, but an expression of trust, love, and reverence for the Creator. His commands are not burdensome but life-giving, providing wisdom, protection, and a clear path to righteousness. Yahuah’s laws, found throughout the Bible, cover every aspect of life—whether it’s moral conduct, loving our neighbor, or honoring the Sabbath. Obedience to His Word brings peace and blessings, and it leads to spiritual growth, transforming us into the image of His Son.
Our Faith
Faith in Yahushua (Jesus), the Messiah, is the cornerstone of this walk. Yahushua came to fulfill the law and to offer salvation through His sacrifice, demonstrating perfect obedience to Yahuah’s will. He became the ultimate example of what it means to walk in obedience, even to the point of giving His life for humanity’s redemption. In Yahushua, we find grace and mercy that empower us to walk in obedience with renewed hearts. His life, death, and resurrection provide both forgiveness for past failures and strength to live righteously.
Reflecting Their Character
To walk in obedience to Yahuah’s laws and to have faith in Yahushua is to live a life that reflects the character of both the Father and the Son. This walk is one of daily commitment, surrender, and growth. It is a journey marked by the pursuit of holiness, a continuous learning of Yahuah’s will, and the application of His truth in our daily lives. It is a process that requires patience, as we stumble and rise again, but it is also one filled with joy, for we walk in the light of truth and the love of our Heavenly Father.
The Journey
In this journey, we are not alone. The Holy Spirit, given to believers, guides, comforts, and empowers us, helping us to live in obedience and faith. We are also part of a community of believers, who encourage and support one another as we all strive to live according to Yahuah’s will and the teachings of Yahushua.
Ultimately, walking in obedience to Yahuah’s laws and placing our faith in Yahushua leads us to a deeper relationship with our Creator, aligning our lives with His purpose and finding eternal hope in His promises. This journey is a testimony of His grace, power, and love, and it invites all who are willing to embrace His ways to join in the walk of faith.
May the grace of Yahushua HaMashiach, and the love of Yahuah, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!